Forgiveness for myself and all others! This topic brought up a lot of emotional situations for me. I believe that reading the ‘Gal in the Glass’ out loud was a big part of this. Why? Because, reading it in the evening seemed to produce some uncomfortable feelings. In summary and to my surprise, I realized that there is a part of me that needed to forgive ‘ME’.
Forgiving myself for not being perfect. Forgiveness for deep seated feelings that I was not enough. Unconditionally, some how and I needed to connect with where this unsettled feeling was coming from. In addition, I found myself doing more meditative sits trying to clear the source of the irritation.

Finally, I broke down and said a prayer. For guidance, direction and forgiveness. Tears began to fall! But, then a sense of relief came over me. Followed by the warmth of someone’s arms comforting and surrounding me! Forgiving everyone including myself is the only way to get rid of resentment.
Self-Confidence Formula:
“An excerpt from Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill”
Fifth lesson: I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure, unless built upon truth and justice, therefore, I engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects. I succeed by attracting to myself the forces I wish to use, and the cooperation of other people. I induce others to serve me, because of my willingness to serve others. I eliminate hatred, envy, jealousy, selfishness, and cynicism, by developing love for all humanity, because I know that a negative attitude toward others can never bring me success. I cause others to believe in me, because I believe in them, and in myself.
Give more get more! The more forgiveness you give, the more you get. To help you let go, here is a great prayer to say daily. “May I forgive those who offend ever mindful of my own need for divine unmerited mercy”. Resentments are back breakers! In other words, learning to let go is a must for us to move forward in our journey of enlightenment.
‘Law of Being’ requires Forgiveness:
Meaning, tapping into universal law as a spiritual being by becoming an extension of the kingdom or universal resources. This law requires us to forgive others the very things are so very hard to forgive. The things that seem impossible! Think about it. This resembles lines from the Lords’ prayer.

So if we are not manifesting and getting the results we are wanting in our lives. It’s evidence that we are holding onto resentment some where in ourselves. Therefore, we need to search our consciousness . Is there some old resentment there? The really tough ones that are easier to ignore than face. We need to forgive others first fully, to believe we have been forgiven.
Definition of resentment:
Means at the core, resenta, to ‘relive over and over’. Holding onto in our minds, with malice or anger. Keeping the blame game in play. No matter how tough it is, we have to forgive and set the offender free, regardless of the offense. By setting others free, we are setting ourselves free. Forgiveness is only pathway to the realm of divine ideas and authentic service.

Resentment, is a form of attachment. It is a cosmic truth and common sense. It takes two to make a prison, the prisoner and the jailer. When we have resentment towards someone it creates a mental chain. Tied by a cosmic hook to the one thing that we hate because we are linked to it in thought. Therefore, the actions around it will be drawn into our life. The exact opposite of what we were trying to let go of.
I trust that everyone of you reading this today can take a deeper look at yourselves. How may you possibly may be holding onto some deep seated anger, due to lack of forgiveness. Just remember that until resentment and forgiveness are addressed you will not be able to attain your deepest desires!

In conclusion, by adding silent meditation and prayer I opened myself up for direction on this matter. And, voila the answers and direction were given to me.
Free yourself!!! do it today, do it now!